New Referral Program Pays $100 For Chick-fil-A® Store Referrals

Refer A New Chick-fil-A® Restaurant & Receive A $100 Amazon Gift Card. This is available for anyone. No credit card or payments required.


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Refer A New Chick-fil-A® Restaurant & Receive A $100 Amazon Gift Card

This is available for anyone who wants to participate. You don't even have to be a current employee of a Chick-fil-A® to participate.

The program is simple:

  1. Refer anyone you know who works at a Chick-fil-A® restaurant and get a $100 Amazon gift card after they complete their free trial. That's it. Nothing more. No credit card or payments required.

  2. You will also be able to offer them a three-week free trial if they use your unique link to sign up or your referral code. The three-week free trial is one more week than what is currently offered on the homepage of our website.

This is how easy it is to refer another Chick-fil-A® restaurant and get a $100 Amazon Gift Card for doing so (and no purchase is required):

  1. Complete this form to register as a referring partner or affiliate

  2. You will then receive an email with a unique link and a code (you can use one or the other) that you can share with the person you are referring.

  3. Talk to anyone who works at a Chick-fil-A® restaurant that doesn't currently use OneClickApp, or hasn't used it in the past, and say this "Try this out and it's free. If you use my link or code to sign up you get three weeks to try it out instead of two." Urge them to complete the form that your unique link sends them to or have them go to this page and give them your unique referral code to enter manually

  4. Your referral will notice that on the Free Trial form page it reads "2-weeks free", but just explain to them that only those referred by you get an additional week for a total of three free weeks.

  5. You will then receive your $100 gift card at the completion of their 3-week free trial, and they don't even have to pay or buy for you to get your reward.

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