A Day In The Life Of A Chick-fil-A® Director Using OneClickApp To Manage Team Member Shifts

A Day In The Life Of A Chick-fil-A® Director Using OneClickApp To Manage Team Member Shifts



The phone won’t stop ringing.

3 upset guests are waiting to talk to you.

4 Team Members called in sick (again).

The lunch rush seems busier than ever.

5 Team Members still need to take their break.

And the next shift starts in 10 minutes.


.... Have you ever found yourself in a situation like this? …Yeah, me too.



This is when I would feel the most frustrated and overwhelmed while running a shift.


Why does something we do every single day for every single shift have to be so stressful, chaotic, and unorganized?


It actually doesn’t have to.


Now when I run a shift, I use OneClickApp and I can more easily pivot with unforeseen circumstances that come my way.


How I maximize the OneClickApp software:


… When 4 Team Members call in. It’s not ideal, but we can do this.


With a few clicks, I was able to:

  • Take the Team Members off the setup (no more scribbles and arrows)

  • Switch around other Team Members to ensure all crucial positions were covered

  • Look ahead to see who I needed to call to come in early for their shift

  • Mark them off of all future shifts for that day

  • Easily set up my team for success

… When the lunch/dinner rush is unexpectedly busy.


With a few clicks, I was able to:

  • Not get overwhelmed with trying to remember which TMs are best in certain positions

  • Make adjustments on the fly

  • Our breader was falling behind so I switched around BOH positions to get one more person to help with breading

  • Our order takers were plenty fast, but our Team Member taking payment, Sarah, wasn’t able to keep up

  • Using the OneClickAppTraining Module, I was able to see a list of our strongest Team Members for payment. One of the top TMs listed is Houston, who was drink making for Drive Thru at the time (a position that Sarah is strongest in)

  • I switched those 2 Team Members and in a matter of minutes our Drive Thru was flowing smoothly again

… When half the team is about to be off the clock.


With a few clicks, I was able to:

  • View all the Team Members who were about to be off the clock

  • Already have a 2 o’clock shift created. So 30 minutes beforehand I started switching Team Members to their next position so we’d be ready to send TMs home right on time (no more forgetting to send TMs home or struggling to find who will take over that position)

… When 5 Team Members still need their break.


With a few clicks, I was able to:

  • Manage all breaks for the team

  • Quickly see who still needs breaks and who has already received breaks

  • Switch around Team Members easily and have it all reflected on the setup

  • Strategically plan which Team Members needed to go on break first to ensure we were back on schedule to be ready for the next shift


While we can’t solve the phone ringing off the hook or you having to navigate upset guests, we can at least help all the other elements of the day run more smoothly so you now actually have time to handle these situations with focus and intentionality. Your welcome. :)


How can you get this same experience every shift?


Make every day a lot less chaotic and a lot more productive by using OneClickApp.


Get rid of that paper/spreadsheet setup and, instead, find yourself running shifts with more strategy and productivity than ever before.


Imagine going from frantically putting out fires all the time to being a leader, fully in control of your people.


How to get started:

  • Learn more about how OneClickApp is exclusively designed for Chick-fil-A® restaurants; watch our pre-recorded demo video

  • Request your 2-Week FREE Trial by filling out this questionnaire (30-45 minutes to complete)

  • No risk.

  • No credit card required.

  • And all the training you and your team need to maximize this software for your business

  • Take a deep breath. You no longer have to experience daily chaos and can instead improve your productivity


All of this is only one click away. See what I did there ;)


We look forward to hearing from you,


Carolina Witcher

Chick-fil-A® Restaurant Director

OneClickApp Associate


 Try For Free

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